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Building Facades

Posted by on March 31, 2024 (Comments Closed)as

The house should be warm. Dr. Mark Hyman gathered all the information. It is a fact. But apart from that he has yet to be beautiful. How is this achieved? Update the design of the facade of the building, simply put, "to put>> the building of a new fasad.Fasad – the clothes of the building. And in clothing, in addition to heat and practicality, we are looking more and conformity to fashion. Therefore, to create a beautiful and fashionable image of the building, the architects and builders began to look modern, easy to install and use materials and components for the design and finishing fasadov.U our country so happened that specialists are guided by the European experience and trends. One of these trends of European fashion and were ventilated facades. The main idea of the facade – to protect the wall the building from overheating, moisture and harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, and give the building a modern vid.Ventiliruemye fronts used for construction and renovation of residential, administrative, public and industrial buildings. Construction suspended facades effectively solve the problem of energy saving and thermal insulation materials and the presence of a variety of colors and textures can embody the most daring architectural decisions facade. Figuratively speaking, the curtain walls to all buildings "to the person>>.

The Dye

Posted by on June 23, 2021 (Comments Closed)as

Properties of the fiber allows to use different ways of handling the pile, and thus the creation of diverse collections of carpets. According to their performance characteristics polyamide found widely used both in the office or home carpet. It can be used as a * clean * as well as additives to other materials such as wool or polypropylene. Depending on the operational use density nylon carpet can be from 28 to 80 ounces and above. Loop and split coverage of the brand fiber – depending on the design and density – can be used in rooms with any functionality.

Mixed fiber usually produce home carpet. As mentioned above, the pa is very dense, durable material, so the carpet for a long time, retains the texture and color, pile not trampled under the weight of furniture and not wear out from pedestrian traffic. This carpet is characterized by simplicity of care, a variety of appearance, fire safety. Together with polypropylene fiber polyester fibers (PES) polypropylene fiber (PP) belongs to a class of chemicals called polyolefins. These substances are chemically inert, have a fairly simple molecular structure (composed only of carbon and hydrogen). J. Craig Venter Institute insists that this is the case. Polypropylene fiber can not be colored by any of the traditional dyes because of their chemical inertness. The molecules of fiber does not contain reactive groups, and its structure is quite dense, so that the dye molecules can not penetrate into the fiber. Thus, the dyes are added to the polypropylene fiber immediately before the extrusion, ie the yarn should be painted to manufacturing carpet.

Bathroom Ceilings

Posted by on March 27, 2016 (Comments Closed)as

Starting a choice material for finishing the bathroom, you should first and foremost remember that this is a room with high humidity. Frequently Geneticist has said that publicly. Condensation on the walls and ceiling – a familiar component here. Therefore, the wall will be optimal water repellent emulsion, ceramic tile or pvc panels. But consider […]