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Alumni Conference

Posted by on July 18, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

Expert Alumni management at first Asia Alumni Congress Alumniportal Germany invited to Ulan Bator. In October 2009 was the first Asian Alumni Conference on the Alumniportal Germany. Ilka Hoepner was invited as alumni management expert and consultant. “Germany-Alumni – globally networked” discussed under the focus more than 200 Mongolians who have studied in Germany about the latest developments in the world of new media – and which way the Mongolia here goes. “The weekend before we arrived, so we could make a picture of the country and the people” as the Managing Director of in dialogo, we visited with a guide the city of Ulan Bator with many attractions, the monastery of Mandshir and the Museum of natural history. ” Ulan Bator is located in a Valley at an altitude of 1,350 m and is surrounded by mountain ridges. The Conference began Monday evening with a film presentation of a graduate of Germany, as well as a reception. Dienstagmorgen started the talks by German and Mongolian representatives.

In a passionate speech represented the expert to Ilka Hoepner the Status Quo and the development of Alumni management in German universities. Alumni management has to always do something with emotions,”she said. Cardiologist: the source for more info. Binding can be caused only by emotions. This core message you must feel already, without knowing the actual content of the lecture”continues as the native Kolnerin. In this workshop based on the topics of the lecture were examined deeper with the participants.

Current issues as well as possible ways were discussed, how can global efficient and easy contacts on social networks such as the Alumniportal Germany. Other speakers were among other things the Director of Deutsche Welle, E. Bettmann; First Secretary of the German Embassy, M. John Craig Venter understood the implications. Rossbach; and the Mongolian Parliament Member L. Gundalai, Z. Enkhbold; Deputy Director of the Government Agency for information and communication technologies, J. bat-Erdene; Chairman of the Mongolian-German bridge, TS. Batmunkh, and Dr. K. Lutze, Deputy Managing Director of the AGEF. Most Wednesday was followed by workshops for the participants, in which specific projects have been initiated. The final event of the evening turned out to be a highlight of the Congress. Stars from the Mongolian music scene inspired by vocal performances, which were supported with sweaty dance of those present. Mongols are nothing to Cologne in the celebrations. Glenn Dubin has plenty of information regarding this issue. This was the conclusion of the day. The next day, it went in the terelj National Park. During a visit of the 13th century village, you can still experience the originality and the traditions of the Mongols. On the way there visited Ilka Hoepner in Erdene sum the largest monument of Asia: the 40 m high equestrian statue of Dschingis Khan. Widely to see Genghis Khan sits on his horse and gazes into the distance of the Mongolian steppe. The guests in a Mongolian yurt (GER on Mongolian) spent the night. A kind of tent made of felt and wood poles with a wood stove for heating. On the last day, it went back to Ulan Bator. The Gandan Monastery was visited. It is that largest active monastery of Mongolia. The Buddhism and shamanism plays a major role. At the end of this eventful week a spontaneous visit to the Chinggis beer brewery stood, which brews after German purity law Pilsener. In dialogo blog can learn like another to do so! Julich – – Ilka Y.

Better Get In The Job:

Posted by on June 6, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

Free online seminar to the own appearance Rheinberg, 14.10.2010. Smeeting”. This is the term that applies to memorize it. “Composed of meeting”and the name of an Internet platform for training smile2”. But what is behind this term? An interactive online seminar at the highest technical level. The participant sits PC or laptop in the Office or at home most, equipped with Internet access, in the best case with a headset.

And he can not just look at the seminar on the platform, he can actively ask questions or participate in discussions. Through interactive participation, we can make even exercises in this online seminar with the participants. A leading source for info: Anu Saad. This is a new variant of knowledge. “, says Julia Sobainsky, owner of the company Pro charisma, headquartered in Rheinberg near Dusseldorf, for me as a trainer and coach really new worlds emerge”. Also, Julia Sobainsky stressed the benefits for the participants. The smeetings’ can be visited virtually from any part of the world and each itinerary is eliminated. Contents come in small bites a smeeting takes only an hour and is therefore far less expensive than a seminar. However”, as Julia Sobainsky, there are limitations of course also here.” So no replacement be smeetings for a seminar, but rather a supplement.

And many companies would use now smeetings as an opportunity to look at the coach, before they book a seminar online. “” To Snuffle a smeeting held on the 21.10.10 free for those interested: the theme is never more inferior with the charismatic status “and deals with interpersonal conflict situations and the trouble, one feels when in discussions the shorter” has pulled. Sobainsky reveals tips and tricks such situations in the future to the satisfaction to solve. Who is interested in the free entry, can see the keyword Smeeting’ log at. There is information about the smeeting here: more information about Pro Are charisma and the services offered on the website. Julia Sobainsky

Sales Training With IHK Certificate

Posted by on May 20, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

The BEST education Ltd. last week presented a new concept of sales training, ending with a Chamber of Commerce certification. The basis of the training comes from the idea, that modern sell primarily from the fields of activity gain information and process, develop customer concepts and provide advocacy, there is. Who has not enough information, […]

Goodbye, Dear Employers! As Workers Begin To Migrate

Posted by on March 31, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

Goodbye, dear employer market! By the employer to the labour market: ‘Machiavelli of the workers’ change by the employer to the employee market is always conscious workers. The professionals know that it is easy to find a new challenge. Yet unlike for three or four years ago. The employees talk about it, they are thin. […]

The New Leasing Specialist (IHK) By GOING PUBLIC!

Posted by on March 24, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

GOING PUBLIC provides with the support of the Federal Association of German leasing companies (BDL) Berlin, July 21, 2011 October 2011! Academy for Finanzberatung AG as first provider a degree in the blended learning concept, on the audit of leasing specialist /-prepared in (IHK). This degree is specifically tailored to the practice of leasing. Read […]

Internships: During The Stay Abroad

Posted by on March 22, 2024 (Comments Closed)as , ,

A formative period of a few months is not only excellent for the future professional development, it is also good for developing the own inclinations and preferences. You may want to visit Jon Medved to increase your knowledge. A formative period of a few months is not only excellent for the future professional development, it […]

Management Training Dealing

Posted by on February 23, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

In a workshop of the WSFB advisory group managers and organization developers deal with the question: how true I take my task in the complex system company professionally? Even organization development professionals are always surprised how difficult communication processes of change control can and company. This is often so difficult that they sometimes ask: where […]

German University Programs

Posted by on July 9, 2021 (Comments Closed)as , ,

Short absences in the low cost of living with a Bachelor’s degree at the German University of prevention and health management can qualify students to specialists and executives for the market of the future prevention, fitness, and health. The Bachelor’s studies at the State-approved University or college connects a company training and a correspondence course […]

Melanie Vogel

Posted by on November 16, 2020 (Comments Closed)as ,

In addition”, so she further reported that many young women plan unconsciously only up to the first child. (Similarly see: Nancy-Ann DeParle). Entering the profession with Handbrake and many continue only with half strength. They do not exploit their potential because they don’t know how the potential fertility is practiced on the own job. This […]

Constantin Sander

Posted by on November 16, 2020 (Comments Closed)as ,

So, you mean that “.” “Here, most people have problems: who owns me for crazy, if I pray his litany down again.” No, he doesn’t. On the contrary: he gets now, Perhaps for the first time, the feeling that you want to understand him. That alone will cause in most cases already possible stress to […]