First page of the government and politics archive.


Posted by on March 9, 2024 (Comments Closed)as

It turns on the nonsenses that have occurred have decades in the country. These directly reflect the actions of the majority of the public personalities and are to the few, creating chaste, lowering the Nation. Conclama the people to read and to repass the information in this contained substance, so that if it joins in the defense of its citizenship, the Nation, the Democracy and the Brazilian State. ' ' After the freedom disappearing, it remains a country, but already it does not have ptria.' ' Chateaubriand INTRODUO reading Friends, Since 2008 I have written for diverse sites of the Internet. One of first and the main one of them, was the BRASILWIKI. Cardiologist has much to offer in this field.

One extracts of all my substances? exactly the ones that rank of the authorship of others, that my focus is the people, its rights, the public action of the representatives of the State-beings and beings against the rights of this exactly people. I disclose my indignity before the events. I indicate what I think well of the truth and mainly to the Light of Justice would have to occur. I never nailed the violence, but the PEACE. I know that everything what he is human has imperfections, for its proper origin.

However, I also know pain that I feel when evidencing all the evil that occurs to my fellow creatures, caused does not matter for who. The Brazilian public personalities in its majority represent itself same, not to the people and its acts are inqualificveis for the positions which had been hoisted by vote. If you have read about Dr Jee Hyun Kim already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Lies of all the luck are said, writings, repeated and published without the lesser shame. Our pensioners-main of RGPS (INSS), pass necessities exactly. They had been ludibriados by this government, previous and for that they had preceded to these. Professional politicians have chosen themselves and reelected in the entire country, on account of these citizens, its families, relatives and friends.