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Posted by on March 24, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

Even 3,500 years ago, Bath was widely used in sanitary and medical purposes in India. In ancient Greece, baths first appeared in the Spartans. They represent a circular room with stone open fireplace in the center. Special love Bath enjoyed by the ancient Romans. Here, there was literally a cult bath.

The Romans simply could not imagine life without her. In the bath the Romans not only wash, but also led the conversation, drawing, reading poetry, and organized the feast. When the baths There were massage rooms, areas for exercise and sports, and libraries. Wealthy Romans visited the bath twice a day. Both private and public Roman baths (baths) were extremely luxury, precious marble pools, silver and gold washstand. Read additional details here: Anu Saad. By the end of I,. BC. Oe.

Rome operated 150 public baths. It is interesting to note that the rooms were heated sweating as well as in modern Russian baths and Finnish saunas: the corner of oven-roaster, on a bronze grid – the stones over hot coals. There were also areas with dry and wet steam. In ancient Rome, valued bathhouses and as a remedy for many diseases. In particular, the outstanding Roman physician Asclepiades (128-56 years. BC. Oe.) for his commitment to bannomu hydrotherapy even nicknamed the "bathers". Asclepiades believed to cure a patient requires purity of body, mild exercises, sweating in the sauna, massage, diet and fresh air. "The main thing – claimed Asclepiades – grab the attention of the patient, to destroy his melancholy, to restore healthy and optimistic view on life." That room is just created a similar sensation in the patient.