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Posted by on January 5, 2021 (Comments Closed)as ,

The Alliance for green revolution in Africa (AGRA), based in Nairobi and sponsored by Kofi Annan aims to increase the diversity of seeds, trying to make them more resistant to pests and drought. In fact, on the African continent is being used already a resistant corn in areas where almost no water. Although AGRA they usually opt for conventional crossings, this Alliance, although usually opt for conventional crosses, not opposed to GMOs. They will invest in them as the countries of the region are accepting its use and developing own thereon laws. It is expected that within two years, Egypt and Burkina Faso have joined South Africa in the use and marketing of these products.

However, there are environmental organizations such as friends of the Earth, the Group ETC and GRAIN that warn about this kind of approach. They argue that the increase in production is not so great if we take into account the costs of the farmer in patented seeds, herbicides and insecticides. For GRAIN, the current situation of food crisis could be used by advocates of GMOs to take over the market. It is important to know that 10 companies most involved in this type of crop, 4 of them are also agrochemical, marketed herbicides and insecticides. The business is complete. Another of the critical is that, by replacing traditional varieties by commercial improved, causes a genetic erosion.

Improve productions in exchange for loss of genetic diversity. FAO is not pronounced clearly towards GMOs. Your in charge of agricultural research Andrea Sonnino says that they are a powerful tool that can have many benefits, but also risks to health and the environment. It must be examined case by case, see the cost-benefit ratio is positive, and in addition local research projects should be made. It is improving the living conditions of the populations in a manner consistent with the conservation of natural resources, says Elena Espinosa, Spanish Minister of environment. Biotechnology is an instrument, one ally. We can not disregard a priori GMOs, but it is transcendental scientists ensure that they are harmless to health and biodiversity.