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Allergies – When The Body Is Defending Itself

Posted by on September 19, 2017 (Comments Closed)as ,

As allergy is understood in medicine an overreaction of the immune system to normally harmless substances. These substances, called allergens, depending on the type and cause different reactions and even death. Some symptoms of allergic reactions are runny nose, swelling of mucous membranes, conjunctivitis, respiratory problems, skin rashes and eczema, vomiting, diarrhea and in extreme cases, an anaphylactic shock. Allergies can occur both seasonally and year-round may be caused – for example by the pollen. We suffer from one or more allergic reactions that should necessarily an allergy test be performed because of allergies, if left untreated and in chronic diseases such as asthma. If you want to get tested, this can in general or the allergist can perform. There, under medical supervision so-called provocation test is performed. This means nothing else than that one associated with a number of allergens in contact and the response of the body is observed.

If these tests bring no information, the doctor may also notice some blood test means allergies. What causes allergies? Apart from genetic factors is probably the environmental pollution is a significant factor in the increased incidence of allergies. The currently much-discussed fine dust is suspected to act as carriers for allergens, making them easier to get into our lungs. The warming is believed to play an increasing role because as trees respond to climate change with an increased emission of pollen. Another assumption is the underuse of our immune system. Since we live in a more hygienic environment, and hardly ever come with certain bacteria or parasites in contact, it would allow the immune system have changed over to the defense of harmless structures. It has been established in countries with less stringent hygiene standards, a reduced incidence of allergic diseases. Also stress and changes in dietary habits may play a role in the development of allergies.

Therapies allergies are usually treated symptomatically. That is, to be administered drugs that relieve the symptoms of allergy or prevent. In severe cases, the carrying of drugs is even vital. In people with insect allergies is usually prescribed a shot of adrenaline, which in the case of an insect sting prevents anaphylactic shock. This syringe should always be worn with them for emergencies. The best measure is still avoiding the contact with the allergens. This may consist of the installation of pollen protective filters in air conditioning (pollen allergy), avoidance of contact with cats or dogs (animal dander), regular cleaning of the mattresses (house dust mite allergy), waiver of certain foods (histamine intolerance) and much more. Another possibility is the implementation of a specific immunotherapy. In the SIT or desensitization slowly increased doses are administered to the allergen, which means that the body’s Protection against the foreign body is gradually lowered. This type of therapy usually takes weeks or months and be repeated at certain intervals. The success lies with 70-90 percent, depending on the type of allergy. Anyone who recalls the advice and tips keep the doctors and avoid contact with triggering substances (one can prevent him quite often not), the allergy is possible even despite a normal and almost pain-free life.