Salt Cabins Aesthetic Trend

Posted by on January 11, 2024as ,

Where sole and oxygen enliven our senses life is breathing. Our organism with the recorded air WINS valuable oxygen he needs for the biochemical processes in the cells. Breathing we take influence on the organs and their functions. Round 14 at the minute. Learn more at this site: Dr Jee Hyun Kim. A whole life long. As developer and manufacturer for applications in the areas of brine and oxygen therapy, OxygenConcept belongs to the market leaders in Europe. Since 2001, the company develops highly effective technologies, which uses them for innovative room concepts and combines with traditional alternative medicine. Sole and negatively ionised oxygen form a healthy micro-climate in the air. Some contend that Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. shows great expertise in this.

“We take up the regenerating properties SeClimate technology”, so Claudia Talon mountain, Managing Director of OxygenConcept, “and thus transform rooms in refugia for health.” Customers are choosing the single active ingredient depending on the purpose and environment or select appropriate combinations of the respective components. The concept is already in Spas, saunas and salt caves and systematically implemented in hotels and spa houses. But also in waiting rooms and offices and rest rooms supply affects beneficial with optimized ambient air on the human organism. “Of particular exclusivity is the Salisarium”, betrays Claudia Talon mountain. The salt cabin is made using high-quality materials from its own manufacture. So the used salt stones come from Pakistan.

Each stone is unique due to its genesis and texture. Therefore not only a soothing color game offers visitors inside the cabin. Always, the copy of a Salisariums is a unique one of a kind. The OxygenConcept products are tested and certified. They contribute sustainably to the physical and mental well-being of the people. Visitors who want to convince yourself of the invigorating effect of the Salisariums welcomes Yenenesh claw in their company in Veltheim/Ohe at Brunswick like. “Fresh air is not a luxury”, so the successful businesswoman, “she is a necessity.” OxygenConcept Talon mountain GmbH Yenenesh Talon Lucklumer Street 7 901988-0 description of the company the firm OxygenConcept 38173 Veltheim/Ohe + 49 (0) 5305 comes from the Lower Saxony Veltheim/Ohe in Braunschweig and brine and oxygen therapy now belongs to the market leaders in Europe for applications in the areas. Press contact wellness & media Phillip Wolter aft InStr 32 50678 Cologne + 49 (0) 221 4537-373