CRM 2.0 Is Web – And Community Oriented

Posted by on January 30, 2024as ,

xact4u is also enhancing functions for the sales staff of Karlsruhe strategy consulting from the next generation of customer management solutions, 08.04.2008 – the conventional stamping CRM systems have served strategy consulting AG very soon according to the consultancy xact4u. The future solutions must depict more especially social elements of sales processes and may restrict not only on the classical functions. The software for CRM 2.0 must adapt to more than so far the habits of sales and not vice versa based on the software distribution processes\”, describes Mario Pufahl, textbook author and partner of management consulting, the base direction. The next generation of CRM solutions should characterize also not is that she primarily aimed at monitoring the sales activities in the sales, but would have to prove in their functionality profile as a promotional tool. Background of growing Requirements on the one hand are the now significant advanced technical communication and information by means of mobile systems and the Internet. So a variety of sales more valuable information to customers can be nowadays, industries and markets generate, which are mostly accessible and often even via iGoogle, newsletter, RSS feeds, etc. directly and individually delivered. CRM 2.0 must address the greatly expanded opportunities and make them for their systematic use by the user\”, Pufahl outlines a key feature of changes in direction.

The informational items from the Internet applies specifically to integrate it and if necessary demand structured expose.\” Moreover, future CRM must pose is relationship-driven. The communities have grown over the Internet in the target groups playing an increasingly important role for the sales\”judge of the xact4u partner. There business not only on classic way but also at the social shopping, be made about XING or even in private, an eminent importance in his eyes of the support of networking through the CRM systems. Also the distributors in the position must be, to establish themselves in the face of the very non-transparent product offerings in the markets as own brand\”, Pufahl describes the new direction.