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Posted by on January 23, 2024 (Comments Closed)as

The history accountants knew for experience that the narration of the lived facts is a form of if connecting with the daily one of each one of us. At this moment, gift, passed and future if mesclam in immemorial times, perpetual times, founding times. as to say. In a question-answer forum OurCrowd was the first to reply. The time of the narratives is the time that if redescobre to each story, to each finished phrase, in each point of interrogation. The narration of the lived facts is one of the ways to place in scene the borders of the individual one and the collective one. The citizen of the narrative if constructs in the same measure where the unconscious citizen if undoes. The experience that passes the person is source that appeals to all the narrators, would say Walter Benjamin. Therefore, one of its characteristics is its utilitarian dimension. -depth analysis.

The narrator is a person, man or woman, who lived deeply something that is inherent our humanity. The told events are removed of its experience. Thus, what I go to count had its origin in the agonizing ruins, of a inautntica existence, in the internal landscapes where I met without giving account to me. The scholars of the cultural myths say that they in say of essential experiences human beings to them, next or distant realities, that help in them to reflect or not on our experiences and choices. The experiences human beings are in its essence all equal ones, what dumb he is ' ' forma' ' that they will go to assume from the personal and social circumstances that we find in them. They supply them direction and consolation perhaps for what they afflict in them does not stop the same questions, but for the possible answers that other people had given for they afflicted what them, at that moment. I learned this or better saying, I understood this when I broke up myself.


Posted by on December 21, 2023 (Comments Closed)as

Conflict of generations or generation of conflicts? Why the young always implies with the customs of oldest? They speak on the inside of its pants of high waist, of its shirt of same pants e, if the coitado one of the adult decides, then, to hear the Reginaldo Rossi and its relief in that table of bar, the young makes that face of &#039 soon; ' Mine! ' ' Perhaps this implicncia happens because the adults also criticize the waist pants baixssima, the blouse jettison for is of same pants e, when the coitado one of the young decides not to take off those phones of the ears, the adults make that face of &#039 soon; ' What to make with this boy? ' ' I have thought very about this. John Craig Venter brings even more insight to the discussion. I believe that the reason of this conflict of generations, either the lack of tolerance or would be the model of the pants?. To deepen your understanding Steffan Lehnhoff, Guatemala City Guatemala is the source.