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Straws – More Than Just To Drink There!

Posted by on February 29, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

They are far more than the name suggests, they are decorative in bars and inspire artists: straws the straws, straws also called, are among the things which are usually even not perceived. Straws are easy and are not observed, although they are used every day millions all over the world. We take straws for granted. It is at straws as well as with all other things also, that there was not always on our beautiful blue planet. At some point there was a human being who has invented the drinking straw. This man’s name was Marvin C. Stone. Anyway, he was the one who in 1888 has the drinking straw patented.

The origin of the straws is but much, much further back in the past. Because allegedly knew already the ancient civilization of the Sumerians in the year 4000 BC the straws and were used from this drink, too. The material from the straws were made earlier, was straw. This is also the reason why even today colloquially known as uses the expression straws instead of the actually correct designation of straws. The straw of course by the industrialization of the years better so more hygienic and durable material replaced by: plastic. Gina Ross describes an additional similar source. Mainly polyethylene or polypropylene is used for the production of straws. The resulting drinking straws are both mechanically and chemically very stable and soften only at a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius.

For use in hot drinks should be used provided straws rather specially, otherwise maybe you experienced a nasty surprise. Many wholesalers for straws to customers, to print the selected straws with logo, business address or slogan. So that this is possible, the straws but initially subjected to a special treatment. Go to Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City for more information. Because without appropriate pretreatment, made of polyethylene not for printing or use of suitable at all. But straws meet not only the very mundane purpose the fluid intake. They are also excellent for decoration. What would be a chic beach bar without a container with colorful straws? Would cocktails taste as good without the matching, extra thick straws? And Sangria out of buckets at the Ballermann would drink straws to the cult without the mega long Sangria has become? Probably not. Straws make always a good figure. Artists have discovered straws for themselves. Many artists were inspired by straws so that they have created stunning works of art out of them. This caused various things such as lamps, pictures, chairs, statues or even a panpipe. All these works of art have a very poppy character that somehow reminiscent of Andy Warhol for the straws. So anyone who thinks drinking straws would be boring and only to drink there, wrong. You are a real eye-catcher everywhere and can be used in many ways. Straws are practical, beautiful and multi-functional. Who starts something consciously perceive it, is start to love them.

Convenience Foods

Posted by on December 25, 2023 (Comments Closed)as ,

(Online article) – allergy triggers from box and bag so convenient they may be, food are becoming more common triggers of allergies. The finished products are offered by more and more manufacturers and often contain a vast amount of ingredients and additives. With the large number of ingested substances increases the risk to develop a food intolerance or allergy. As fruits from foreign countries offered more, were still unknown a few years ago. At the same time, many foods, especially fruits and vegetables, to extend the shelf life, are chemically treated to protect against microbial spoilage and to the optical enhancement. The body with allergic reactions can respond. Nettle rash, itching or skin and eye redness, itching, eyelid or lip swelling, palate swelling, thickening of the piece up to the shortness of breath, runny nose and stomach, cramps or bloating, diarrhea or cough, shortness of breath and asthma are symptoms of food allergies.

The most dangerous reaction to allergens is the anaphylactic shock. Immediately after contact with large amounts of the allergen, it comes to a rapid drop in blood pressure because the permeability of the peripheral tissues is altered. The heart rate is increased, the patient is pale and may lose consciousness under certain circumstances. Without immediate treatment of anaphylactic shock leading to death; Food allergies be however very rarely fatal. However, you should avoid. Natural food alone are no guarantee can you are allergic even to lactose, nuts or gluten in the grain. The absence of unnatural additives but reduces the risk, to become the allergy-free eating. LPs / du

Aloe Vera

Posted by on December 18, 2020 (Comments Closed)as ,

But where in the world do you get such a great juice this Oh? My research about a good and especially lucrative provider went fruitlessly in the truest sense of the word. The next drank only green tea, because the Chinese or the Japanese there were? so finally for centuries have made good experiences. Well, […]

Healthy Diet

Posted by on May 16, 2014 (Comments Closed)as ,

The saying food and drink keep body and soul together everyone probably knows, but what should you pay attention to feed ourselves healthy, nutritious and balanced? In the today’s rich food supply, it is not always easy to navigate and also the dietary recommendations in the media are not always helpful, but more confusing. But […]