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Burnout Syndrome

Posted by on March 9, 2014 (Comments Closed)as

This work to be about a subject that comes being argued in the medias due to the necessities of psychological treatments it professor having seen that this diligent classroom chore daily with generating factors of estresse. The research looks for to describe the characteristics estresse of it that they cause the Syndrome of Burnout in professionals of education of the state public net of the schools of the central area of the city of Porto Velho. The methodology used for accomplishment of the work was direct comment participativa application of questionnaire interview with closed and opened questions. The final results of the research in had shown the intervening 0 variable to them that cause to the Syndrome the ones in such a way that if they relate to the social aspects how much to the psicofsicos.

Word – key: Teaching work. Syndrome of Burnout. Symptoms. 1 INTRODUCTION the present research searched to describe the characteristics of estresse that it causes Syndrome of Burnout in professors of the public net in the central area of Porto Velho – Ro. It looked for to answer the problem raised in relation to the psicofsico health, presented for professors of basic education making relation with the Syndrome of Burnout. The choice of the object of study and the public-target took in consideration the great importance that if has given to the social validity in the elaboration of scientific projects and the extreme number of deviated professors of function due to impossibility to exert its functions, in classroom, the calls ‘ ‘ readaptados’ ‘. The Syndrome of Burnout is defined as one of the consequncias marcantes estresse of it professional, and comes if characterizing for the emotional exhaustion, a negative analysis of itself exactly, depression and insensibilidade with regard to everything its return.