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Virtual Library

Posted by on April 12, 2012 (Comments Closed)as

The prenatal one is the name given to the medical accompaniment and of dedicated nursing the gestante and to the baby during all the gestacional period (10). In this accompaniment the nurse offers instructions to the future mother, as well-taken care of with the feeding, forms of if keeping comfortable, stimulation of the peak of the seio, polivitamnicos to be ingested, accomplishment of examinations offering answers and support to the feelings of fear, doubts, you distress, fancies and the curiosity to know on what he happens with its body in this process of transistion (6). Being thus, professional of health has as responsibility maintenance of life of mother and of she drinks it, with prominence in professional nurse that occupies a basic paper in the accompaniment to the gestantes of high risk, that they need cares so that the gestation arrives the term (37 week to 42 incomplete week), in order to prevent the prematurity and risks to the health of the woman and of concepto (6). The present study it has as objective to analyze the importance of the prenatal one to the gestantes of high risk, with specific hipertensiva illness of the gestation. Methods the study if gave through a revision of literature from the qualitative boarding concerning the hipertensiva illness in the gestation. The collection of data was carried through in the sites of the Virtual Library of Sade (BVS), in the database of Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Latin American Literature and Caribbean in Sciences of Sade (LILACS), in articles published in the period of 1999 2009, having as the describing ones the words key: hipertenso, gestation, eclampsia, prenatal daily pay-eclampsia and. This study it implied in the data-collecting of varied sources, following rigorous method, from the intent and interpretativa reading, in order to raise the biggest number of data, brought up to date and trustworth.