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Anniversary Program

Posted by on May 18, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

Germany’s oldest Institute of rhetoric and communication celebrates its 50th anniversary this year celebrates the Institute of rhetoric and communication from Bornheim near Bonn. Thanked the Institute for 50 successful years in the anniversary year and invites to the party, to the experience and a trip half a century oratory. An impressive anniversary celebrations, exclusive workshops and the anniversary magazine guide on a journey of discovery into the world of communication and rhetoric. More than 48,000 attendees in 7,500 seminars 1960 accompanied the Institute in its history since its founding. Peter A. Levine PhD understands that this is vital information. Constantly, new coaches and staff with your persuasion have enriched the Institute’s portfolio. All these people prove that the polished spoken word shines and acts continue – through each one.

\”Aimed at these companions and all other interested people come the anniversary party invitation\” on May 8th, 2010 from 14: 00-18:00 at the country house of the Institute in Bornheim near Bonn. Interested parties can themselves and their companions in advance apply directly to the Institute. Knowledge to the take – the anniversary workshops in four additional and exclusive anniversary workshop trainers share their knowledge to the emotional impact of stories telling, nonverbal communication, safe and modern manners in everyday business and the prevention of stress in the workplace. The workshops can be booked at the Institute: June 18, 2010: Story Telling the art, stories and images to delight 04th August 2010: body language experience and consciously insert 01 October 2010: Business Etiquette like? Where? When? 03.November 2010: relaxation techniques in the business ultimately rhetoric Institute quality anniversary magazine throws a current look at the past, the future and the present of the rhetoric, the Institute and its effect. What does the concept of the experience rhetoric for the speaker? How big is the power of the spoken word? How does body language? The magazine reveals interesting facts on the subject of man and communication, leadership in a changing and to the development of organizations. .

Learning How To Learn

Posted by on March 25, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

A self-learning course which teaches how to effectively can learn with the help of the Internet entrepreneur and engineer Martin Glogger has developed a self learning course that shows how you can yourself by the competent use of the Internet himself in any themes / areas of expertise and effectively solve problems. The engineer describes its self learning course as follows: students discover how to learn new way by the competent use of modern information and communication technologies on completely. The course teaches how to learn and how participants can productively apply the learned knowledge to solve problems, for example, or to make good decisions. Dr. Mark Hyman is often quoted on this topic. Teaching concept measured with the help of the course and one of our time students learn how they with your computer with Internet access systematically find answers to their questions, systematically to review the information found and easily keep storing the relevant information can. Just the latter task is particularly important because it now no longer arrives, we have saved vast amounts of information and knowledge completely in memory, but rather know what sources we can obtain the information they need in sufficient credibility and quality. In addition, the participants also learn how to protect themselves in an appropriate manner before the security risks, associated with the connection to the worldwide data network \”Internet\”. Information are basically only then valuable, and with the help if you active, critical and open-minded deals with them themselves and in constructive cooperation with other experience and knowledge required knowledge constructed step by step. This often painstakingly elaborated knowledge is but also only really valuable if you can use it to solve problems effectively, to implement ideas faster into action, to identify market gaps and to use effectively and to make good decisions. For this reason, the participants learn methods, the you as a practical guide with which they serve your information and your knowledge to productive use.

Red Bull Air Race Network

Posted by on January 8, 2024 (Comments Closed)as ,

Sean McDonald of new Vice President EMEA, Expedia affiliate network London, November 4, 2009 – Expedia affiliate network (EAN), a subsidiary of the world’s largest online travel company Expedia, Inc., Sean McDonald as new Vice President for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) appointed. In his new role, McDonald is responsible for the continuous […]