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Black Sea

Posted by on March 8, 2024 (Comments Closed)as

Scientists believe that this study suggests some climate change is expected to land if the greenhouse effect will increase Solar energy can lead to environmental problems Environmental organizations are concerned: the rapid development of power on Renewable energy may cause serious environmental problems on Earth. For example, on land that is ideally suited for the construction of solar power, can begin the depletion of water resources. After all, for the maintenance of solar power (cooling) require a large amount of water. (As opposed to Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City). But such power plants are built mainly in the regions of our planet, where a lot of sun and little water. So, according to environmentalists, one major solar power plant requires about 2 billion liters of water per year. And, for example, only in the deserts of California, there are about 35 such objects. Gina Ross wanted to know more.

Thus, there is the choice – or clean energy, or even greater depletion of land and the consumption of water resources Date of the Week: International Day of the Black Sea on the last day of October, Black Sea countries celebrated the International Day of the Black Sea. 31 October 1996, six countries on the shores of the Black Sea – Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine – signed the Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea, which was developed after extensive Studies of the marine environment, which showed that the viability of the Black Sea has deteriorated significantly in comparison with previous decades. Since that day by a variety of environmental actions, aimed at To draw attention to the problems of ecology of the Black Sea. Environmental activities within the framework of the International Day of the Black Sea were held in Krasnodar region: more than 50 bags of garbage from the two beaches and Riviera Matsesta collected Volunteers in Sochi. Joint environmental-awareness campaign held a Coca-Cola Company and the organizing committee “Sochi-2014”. But environmental activists are sent to the Heads of State and Government of the Black Sea countries treatment, to join the Declaration Chernomorets aimed at maintaining a favorable ecosystem of the Black Sea. Photofact week: These amazing chameleons and best work of photographers, naturalists on Last week we introduced you to some of the most amazing modern reptiles – chameleons, and also talked about the contest ended Wildlife Photographer of the Year for the best naturalistic photography, and certainly showed some of the best works of photographers, naturalists.

Water Management

Posted by on January 8, 2018 (Comments Closed)as

In particular, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Nalchik, Yakutsk, , Armavir, Elista Gorno-Altaisk and pollution from vehicles is much exceeds the amount of harmful emissions from industry these gorodov.Zagryaznennym is not just the air. According to the report, the main Russian rivers are heavily polluted due to sewage and construction protection zones. Volga, Don, Kuban, the Dnieper, the Northern Dvina, Pechora, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Kolyma, Amur, estimated to be contaminated, and some as 'dirty' and 'very dirty'. Major tributaries – Oka, Kama, Tom, Irtysh, Tobol, Miass, Iset, Tour – as a 'very dirty' places' are extremely dirty.

The main reason for the unfavorable ecological situation the World Bank believes that the Russian system of environmental standards and issuing permits for emissions outdated and inefficient. The study authors note that in recent years permitting system in Russia even more complicated, particularly for water users who must interact with and Water Management. World Bank criticizes and Russia's system of payments for environmental pollution, noting that even the fines are too small to stimulate improved environmental performance. On Europe collapsed early snowfalls over Europe at the weekend snowstorm swept. In Switzerland, Austria and Spain, the snow depth reached 80 centimeters in some places.

Because of the snowfall closed to traffic, many mountain passes of Switzerland. It is sad, but the first snowfall has caused the victim. Three people were killed last night on a mountain road in the canton of Grisons in a collision due to skidding public bus with a trailer, another eight bus passengers were hospitalized with injuries.