Ramon Gallegos

Posted by on February 10, 2024

(Maharishi, (2009). Another educational program that stands out for its features is a Japanese teacher named Kanamori, which bases its teaching in the pursuit of happiness by learning to think of others, he says, this is the key to happiness "from the bottom of my heart." (Kanamori, 2008). highlights the relevance of holistic approach, because it is the first comprehensive knowledge about us, offering a total view of reality through a Holarctic model of wholes / parts, where everything is whole and at the same part of something bigger, exceeding the traditional concepts of hierarchy and heterarchy. (Gallegos, 2001) New scientific input, support and give substance to what holistic education raises, that man is made not only by matter and mind, but so is a spiritual realm that is inherent in holism and Dr. Ramon Gallegos makes a big contribution, with the creation of the holistic model of intelligence ", which certainly helps to clarify the levels of happiness. It refers to the worldview that gave us , (the three eyes of knowledge) that then revisits one of the most prolific theorists of our time, . "A man with one eye can not see well the reality, all you see material and measurable, the vision will be partial. (..) The three eyes that are powers of consciousness allow us access to three areas different apprehensions of knowledge, areas of direct data, mental and intuitive: (Gallegos, 2001). For St. Bonaventure, all knowledge is a kind of Illuminati that allows us to illuminate what we want to know: the eye of meat known sensory objects, conceived as the primitive or crude manifestation of God.