
Posted by on June 11, 2018as

We present two workouts to burn fat. Of course that a healthy diet should not miss when it comes to losing weight, but if you want to get really good results, you have to do is exercise. Making just 15 minutes a day is enough to achieve his goal. The first of these workouts for fat burning is practiced lying on his back on the floor. Place the legs at 90 degrees relative to the ground. Start to separate and collect the legs. Do sets of 10.

Thus it makes working the inside of his leg. Complement this exercise with sit-ups. If you have difficulty to execute them, clinging to the back of a Chair and begin to lower body by flexing the knees forward, while keeping your feet well apart. Complete this routines to burn fat by turning on one of its sides and flexing both the leg and the arm on which rests. Start up and down leg that has been free to form an angle of 45 degrees to the ground. Alternate sides until completing 20 exercises, 10 each, keeping the leg extended. If what want are routines to burn fat of thighs and buttocks, you can start from this position and instead of up and down the leg bend it and bring the knee toward your chest.

Another way to burn fat in the legs is stand with your hands on your waist and legs apart, move forward one foot, bending one’s knees and begin to lower the body but keeping rigid trunk, while the other leg extends straight back. Alternate the position between the legs. You can toggle the elements of these routines to burn fat. They are simple, require no more than a few minutes and do not need foreign equipment or expensive machines. There is a guaranteed way to burn body fat quickly. If you find yourself in a State of despair at losing weight, the following message is the most important thing that you read. Now Click here. Original author and source of the article.