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Disease Diagnosis

Posted by on September 2, 2020 (Comments Closed)as

Diagnosis of disease of encia the diagnosis is based on a careful dental examinacin of the mouth, encias and the teeth. Certain tests such as projection of x-ray image will be realised. Aid for the disease of encias the treatment depends generally on the severity of the disease of encia. It implies cepillar daily the teeth of the dog or the cat with a veterinary dental cream prescribed, cleaning, polished and the use of the fluoride to control the accumulation of the plate and to prevent the loss of teeth. All the procedures become under general anesthesia so that there is no pain.

This then is continued cleaning to the space between the teeth and encias to reduce the size of the space between the teeth. An antibiotic gel also is applied to recover periodontal weaves. More severe cases will require procedures such as to entablillar, replacement of the bone and regeneration of the periodontal weave. To take care of the teeth of its domestic animal continues being its responsibility and demands healthy food and a nutritious diet, dental care homemade newspaper and veterinary control to regulate. Natural remedies the owners of mascots are choosing more and more holistic treatments. The natural remedies for mascots are a safe, calm alternative for the health of the animal and without the rough indirect effect of conventional treatments. Known grass good such as Arthrospira (Spirulina), Equisetum (horse tail) and Taraxacum officianale (lion tooth) are used to maintain healthy and strong the teeth and encias. Homeopathic ingredients such as silicon, Calc.

fluorine and Calc. phos are essential for the healthy teeth, skin and bones. With a great interest in subjects of health and alternative medicine. I believe that the natural remedies and the alternative therapies have their place in the modern medicine. I am certainly an informed person is potentially a happy and healthful person but.